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 Anna Curvin, Anna Needs a kidney, Save Anna, kidney transplant

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My name is Anna Rogers Curvin and I’ve lived with kidney disease my entire life. I now need a kidney transplant to save my life. I’ve not let kidney disease define my life outcomes, but it’s been a rough journey. I’ve recently found my soul's mate and will do whatever it takes to have the fullest possible life with the truest, deepest, love of my life for every minute I can.


I was diagnosed with kidney disease during the first year of my life after doctors discovered that my plumbing was not hooked up correctly. I spent my first birthday in the hospital; pictures show a smiling baby with dark circles under her eyes. Severe kidney disease was going to be front and center for all my young childhood and by the time I celebrated my 10th birthday, I’d already undergone multiple surgeries. My teen years were surgery free, but I suffered from frequent bladder infections. When I was 27 years old, doctors had to remove one of my kidneys. By the time I turned 50, my remaining kidney deteriorated and could no longer filter the toxins out of my blood. I was in end stage kidney failure and was told that I needed to start dialysis.


There are only two treatments for people living with kidney failure: dialysis or transplant. While I wait for a transplant, I must do dialysis treatments to keep me alive. Every night, I’m hooked up to a machine while I attempt to sleep. I spend almost 70 hours each week on dialysis. It’s grueling and I often experience extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and weakness.  Sometimes there is pain during part of the dialysis cycle.  I’m not allowed to take baths and it’s nearly impossible for me to travel, something I love to do.


When you live with chronic kidney disease your whole life, it becomes just as natural as having freckles. It’s always there but I’ve never let it stop me from doing what I want. People describe me as compassionate, resilient, dependable, and creative. I’ve managed dialysis, recovered from a difficult marriage, experienced depression following a traumatic event, and relocated multiple times within a few short months. Life hasn’t always been easy, but I won’t give up.


A new kidney will allow me to spend more time with my soulmate, Dale. My love for him is so deep, our life together is so happy and fulfilling. I want us to experience life to its fullest for as long as possible.  Finding a living donor will make that possible. I would feel better, live a higher quality of life, and be able to show up for him more completely. We want to do things as a couple without the restrictions of dialysis. A new kidney would allow me to return to doing the activities I enjoy such as hiking, kayaking, yoga, camping, traveling, and sitting in a hot tub.


The wait times to get a kidney from a deceased donor can be 5-7 years. My doctors and transplant team have advised me to look for a living donor. Finding a living donor will help me get “off the list” sooner and on to living my life. Most living donor surgeries are done laparoscopically and discharge from the hospital is usually 24-48 hours after surgery. The life expectancy for a living donor is typically longer than the average person.


To learn more about living kidney donation or start the testing process on my behalf, please contact Breanna Bronson at The Christ Hospital at 513-585-1427 or All costs for testing and surgery are covered by my insurance. Please like and follow my story on Facebook  at SAVE ANNA.


Thank you for considering giving the gift of life through living kidney donation. You could save my life or one of the 100,000 people waiting.

Dale Farmer, Anna Curvin, Anna Needs a kidney, Save Anna, kidney transplant

Anna Needs A Kidney!

Thank YOU for caring and sharing.  Your Donations will go towards:

  • Co-pays for medical and pharmacy.  Average cost of a kidney transplant is $425,000.  Insurance covers most but not all expenses related to transplant.

  • Travel and Hotel expenses.  Anna will be making many trips to Cincinnati for pre- and post-transplant care.  Anna and Dale will be going to The Christ Hospital 3x/week  for 4 weeks following discharge from the hospital; then another 6 weeks, will travel weekly to meet with the transplant team tapering to quarterly. 

  • All donor expenses.   Anna's insurance will cover the donor's medical costs but not travel expenses or missed time from work.  Our goal is no out-of-pocket expense for a living donor. 

  • Post-transplant care including costly anti-rejection medication for the rest of her life.  


Anna and Dale are enormously grateful for any amount of support and welcome all positive vibes!! 


If you are interested in organizing a fundraising campaign for Anna, please email


Camden OH

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